Wear Today.Gone Tomorrow?

Wear Today, Gone Tomorrow?-“ I think NOT!”
By: Sean Kamati
Fashion Editor at Vakwetu Style

“Fashion this, fashion that!” “What to wear, what not to wear!” “What are the trends for this year?” “Girl please, Wedges are so two years ago!” “Am I still allowed to Colour-Block?”- Yes people, we all hear these types of questions and statements at the beginning of every year and if you say not one of these questions have passed your lips, punch yourself in the throat because your are lying!! We are only human; we all want to be NOW and at the TOP of our fashion game and CHILD, there is nothing wrong with that..
I have been pleasantly surprised at how Namibians have taken to the “idea” of fashion and so quickly over the past few years. Last year was definitely a turning point (hopefully for the good) in the way we approached FASHION. Trends have come and gone and we seem to have come to grips with what’s trending. Now, a piece of advice to you budding fashionistas out there, just because something is trending, does not mean it works for everyone. Those printed leggings that you bought the other day, yes you, don’t necessarily work for you just because they work for your best friend. And those shorts, brother man that you are determined make you look good, actually don’t. We need to learn to dress for our bodies but still keep that edge and individuality that makes our style different from others.
“Fashion fades but style is eternal”- Yves Saint- Laurent. REMEMBER THAT!
Here are a few tips from me to you for this year. Don’t want to say dos and don’ts because I am not trying to be your parent. Just a push in the right direction, is what I’m giving.
·       Remember always to try and be individual and unique but don’t get crazy

Bermuda shorts are very big this year.
 Comfort, family friendly and they are ultra chic for the summer.

Black and white is also back.
Yes ,most people put strong emphasis on floral etc but they forget that its very classy , wearable all year round and can be used for both date night and work.

Peekaboo pieces are in. this includes Cutouts, Midrift bearing, sheer fabrics, slites. Etc… take a risk and go in but remember what I said earlier dress for your body.

Statement sunglasses are a must have.
Bold strips are back
Shorts – suits
Beautiful beading and sporty dresses are also on the menu for this year.
Sorry I left out the men, this time but ill definitely have some for the brothers out there next time.

Yours in fashion